dinsdag 29 mei 2012

Schedule week 22

This week we will perform at one of the coolest outdoor festivals this year, INTENTS.   Festivals in Holland are almost always, till 23.00 o'clock. But for a sunday this is defenitely okay. The festival is spread over 2 days, and contains hardstyle, hardcore and electro. It's obvious to say we are looking forward to this. Hopefully the weather will be good, cause we are planning to bring a cameraman along to film this day ... from beginning till end ... 

zaterdag 19 mei 2012

May 16th : It All Started In The Nineties - Deurne

After a long day of normal working ( yes, we have normal jobs too ;) ) it was time to rock the stage again ...

This time it was going to be a stage in a club called Metro, in a village called Deurne ( about 36.000 inhabitants ), not too far from Eindhoven .. the party was called It All Started In The Nineties ( a cool concept going throughout the south of Holland since 2010 ) and they have been doing 30 parties since! This was going to be IASITN #31 ! They have a specific kind of flyer which is well known ...

We had a rather strange setttime : 02.45 - 03.45 ( the club closes at 03.45 AM )

We didn't know what to expect. Should we play very happy , or go hardcore ? The dj's before us played pretty clubbie ( like Kluddheads and stuff ) so we did not know exactly what to do.

We started off with some real happy stuff from our other colleagues Paul Elstak, Weirdo & Sim and others. Not too hard. The crowd looked pretty young and like I said, we did not know what to expect. But after 15 minutes people ( mostly men ) started to ask if we could play some harder stuff. That was no problem haha !

Yessss, people went crazy! Finally people start moving! At the end the whole club went nuts! The last song was dedicated the all die hards still dancing ... everybody sang along with Lownoise & Theo's 'Wonderful Days'.

It was a good night. Thanks to Pieter from Minority Events from having us and hopefully till the next time!

maandag 14 mei 2012

Schedule week 21

This week we will perform for the first time as a headliner at one of the fast growing parties in the South area of our country .. And again, we are looking forward to it!
Also the party is on a wednesday, what is ofcourse quite unusual. But at this evening, there will be a lot of parties in Holland, because the next day ( May 17th ) is a national holiday ( Hemelvaart ) ... Let's see what Deurne will bring us ...

donderdag 3 mei 2012

April 30th - Queensday

April 30th is a special day in Holland .. our queens birthday ... that means parties in almost every city in Holland, especially the bigger cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and Eindhoven.

On every square in a city you hear electro, techno or even hardcore beats ... it's quite nice .. thousands of people everywhere, and when the weather is good, you only see happy faces ...

We had 2 gigs that day, and man oh man was I looking forward to this ..

The first one was in Eindhoven in a big venue called 'Beursgebouw' .. it's a huge eventlocation with a total capacity of 6000 people I think, and I think they were there at that moment ... people everywhere!

First gig called 'House Of Revolution goes Q-Day' as seen on the flyer. Many dj's including the top happy hardcore ones, Paul Elstak, Mental Theo, Dune and Flamman & Abraxas ( Party Animals )

We were playing after Mental Theo, and he played some hard stuff! - No happy hardcore ;) - A lot of old tracks in a new 2012 coat, including the new 2012 remix of 'Wonderful Days' .. 

Settime 6.00 - 7.00 PM. We started of our set with 'Raveworld' which is a classic! The tone was set! There were a lot of gabbers in front of the stage, and our set was appreciated. People sang a long and danced so we were quite happy. We started of a bit hard ( early ) and then worked our way to tracks like 'Turn Around' from Damage Inc. and 'Destiny' from Brothers In Crime.

It was nice to see that happy hardcore is still doing it's thing!

I also saw my niece in the audience with I haven't seen in a long time and she looked proud :)

After us were our friends Flamman & Abraxas with MC Remsy, and that's always fun! Haven't seen them in a while.

After the gig we had little time because at 8.00 PM we had to be in a place called Veghel. A small village about 25 km from Eindhoven. I had to host the last 3 hours as a MC, but in between Bruce and I had to play our dj set. Our setttime : 9.00 till 10.00 PM.

We arrived at 7.45 PM and we just a little to eat some snacks. I started of hosting with Dj Graphic, a hardstyle dj ... Veghel was ready for some harder sounds, after a whole day of electro beats.

Although hardstyle is not really my kind of music, Graphic played some dope ass tracks and I liked what I've heard!

After this it was time to ROCK! The audience was great! A whole square full of people who loved hard music! Great fucking vibe! I saw a lot of people dancing, singing, screaming and more.

It was a real great atmosphere! A great way to close down this Queensday for us as Critical Mass.

My Queensday was not closed yet though. I had to rock once more with no other than The Darkraver. And closing down a stage with The Darkraver is another level.

We went from happy, to oldschool, to hardcore till LOUDER! There were some tracks I hadn't heard in years ! The people loved it!

The last track was Rob Gee's 'Ecstasy You Got What I Need'. What a party this was. Steve ( The Darkraver ) throwed at one point a whole bucket of ice cubes to me ( as a joke ) but instead of me most ice cubes came down on the Pioneer equipment .. We had fun ..

We hope to do this again next year ..... !!

dinsdag 1 mei 2012

Wonderland The 90's - Appeltern - The Aftermovie

Check the aftermovie from our gig on April 21st in Appeltern ( NL ) - Other dj's Mental Theo, The Darkraver, Dune and Affix .. Live act was The Party Animals ..